Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 12 The Purpose, Life And Death Of Jesus Christ

The star of Sirius is associated with the birth of an Egyptian God, either Osiris or Horus. The name given to me was Horus, son of the goddess Isis, begotten by the god Osiris.

The next word God gave me was ‘Helius’, Greek God of the sun. The significance of this term is in the ‘Heliacal rising’ of the star Sirius.
He then gave me the date of His birth –

On the star is written:
July 18 5BC

A star is born in Bethlehem.

He was born on JULY 18 5BC, the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius. God chose this date because of the meaning of this particular date to people of that time, signaling the birth of a god. As for the anomaly that the three kings followed, the term God gave me was “stellar event”.


Question: What was this anomaly (stellar event) that the three astrologers observed? Is there really a star of Bethlehem? Is it the star of Sirius? Did it really shine on Your house?

God’s answer:

A new star arose.

Meaning: The star of Bethlehem was not Sirius. The anomaly was the birth of a new star. And, yes it did shine on His home.

In the first sculpture, God used the phrase “A Star is born” in line with the prophecy given about His birth (I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel); and to indicate that His birth was announced with the actual birth of a new star.

What is this new star that the three Kings followed? I don’t know. There was a new star recorded 5 BC that shone bright for 70 days. However, this event was supposedly in March.

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